3 semester credits. This course adds a critical dimension to writing skills through analysis and advocacy. Students will examine language from the perspectives of logic, induction/deduction, facts, inference, judgements, and formal and informal fallacies of written expression. Reasoning and argumentation approaches are covered and exercised through the writing projects required by the course. Critical writing is also examined according to the awareness of diverse contexts and audiences and developing persuasive claims through reasoning and evidence. Prerequisites: At least one college writing course or equivalent.
English Composition and Creative Writing
LACWCR230 Critical Writing
LACWCW200 Creative Writing
3 semester credits. This course is based on an introduction to fiction writing. Topics cover the technical elements of fiction writing through lectures and in-class writing exercises that develop dialogue, voice, plot, image, character development, point of view, scene, structure, and other prose skills. Coursework will be further enriched with assignments that students will use in writing more substantial pieces of fiction. Students will learn to critique work from a writer's perspective. Prerequisites: Foundational writing skills are not covered. Students are expected to apply a strong command of syntax, structure, and style according to the course topic.
LACWEL180 English as a Foreign Language for Beginners
3 semester credits. This course will allow students to develop foundational vocabulary and grammatical structures in order to communicate in English. Students will develop the key reading, writing, and analytical skills that will enable them to be successful in future levels. They will practice all four skills of language learning – reading, writing, listening, speaking – and be exposed to the English of native speakers via the course instructor and other media focusing on the spoken message in order to comprehend and produce a meaningful response. Students will have the opportunity to practice speaking in structured conversations with their peers. The course involves several projects requiring students to present information to the class using newly acquired language skills. Students will also be asked to read a variety of modified texts to acquire diverse strategies for text comprehension, and have the opportunity to practice grammar structures and new vocabulary by writing a series of short texts. Course content: numbers and time, describing your family, professions, talking about home and where you live, likes and dislikes, shopping, directions, accommodation, travel and transport. Levels covered: A1 and A2
LACWEL290 English as a Foreign Language Intermediate
3 semester credits. This intermediate-level course develops linguistic understanding and production by focusing on syntax, continued vocabulary development, reading, listening comprehension, speaking, pronunciation skills, and writing. In this course, students will review grammar fundamentals and progress to more complex elements of grammar and language in order to establish a strong foundation in intermediate-level grammar. Regular speaking and listening practice will build student confidence in dealing with everyday activities such as shopping, ordering at a restaurant, and making social arrangements. Students will develop reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension by reading passages from a variety of sources such as newspapers, magazines, books, and websites. Core vocabulary will be expanding through the study of words commonly used in conversation, reading, and writing to further develop compositional writing skills. Levels covered: B1 Prerequisites: A2 in the CEFR self-assessment grid and/or a beginner/Level 1 English language course.
LACWEL360 English as a Foreign Language Advanced
3 semester credits. This course is designed for upper-level students of the English language who can understand everyday spoken and written English with ease and are confident in most tenses. In this course, students will learn strategies for improving discussion skills and listening comprehension. They will engage with authentic materials and learn how to organize and synthesize information efficiently. Students will also sharpen their linguistic understanding of native English expressed in popular Anglophone culture by engaging in reading, viewing, and listening to cultural readings, popular television series, music, and films. The advanced level further develops reading and writing fluency, accuracy, and comprehension. Through a focus on written composition (including the use of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing), students will understand and evaluate new ideas, emotions, and perspectives found in written texts. Level covered: B2/C1 Prerequisites: B1 in the CEFR self-assessment grid and/or an intermediate/Level 2 English language course.
LACWIM270 Introduction to Memoir
3 semester credits. This is a course for those students interested in autobiographical writing as a means of clarifying their own perception of the world, as an instrument to improve writing skills, and as a source of potential material and ideas for creative writing in both poetry and prose. Students will learn the use of narration and reflection and the distinction between private and personal. Students will regularly share writing exercises with the class for critique and discussion. Reading and analyzing the autobiographical work of major writers will play an integral role in the course. Prerequisites: At least one college writing course or equivalent.
LACWPW400 Poetry Writing
3 semester credits. This class is based on the craft of poetry writing. An important element is the discussion of student poems and the debate on assigned readings featuring major poets. Course topics will be paced to help students to balance the necessary technical skills (rhythm, sound, diction, and shape) with finding their own voice as poets. Students will be required to write and revise a body of original poems and present them for class critique. Prerequisites: Creative Writing, a 300-level writing course, or equivalent.
LACWRS070 Research and Academic Skills
3 semester credits. This course provides students with the fundamental skills of academic writing for undergraduate studies. The aim of the course focuses on the process of writing and how to organize and structure an essay. Students will learn about the phases of preparing (brainstorming, mapping, outlining), drafting, reviewing and revising, and editing papers that successfully analyze topics as required by academic courses and research. Topics also include strategies for improving coherence, discourse, summarization, as well as the proper use and citation of sources.
LACWWC380 Writing as a Conversation
3 semester credits. This course guides students to further strengthen their skills in argumentative and critical reading, writing, and thought processes. By understanding writing as entering a conversation, students will learn how to effectively communicate and organize their thesis and supporting evidence in a sophisticated and efficient manner. Students will also critically identify and decipher aspects of other arguments, written by their peers and prolific authors. Students will work on a variety of brief and long written assignments that examine how knowledge is produced and distributed according to their discipline of study. Prerequisites: Critical Writing, a 300-level writing course, or equivalent.
LACWWF320 Writing about Florence
3 semester credits. This creative writing course will guide students in finding their own voice as a result of their experiences within the city of Florence. Florence and Tuscany have historically provided inspiration for a substantial number of Anglo-Saxon writers - poets ( Percy Bysshe Shelley, Elizabeth Barrett Browning), novelists (George Eliot, D.H. Lawrence, E.M. Forster, Thomas Harris, Sarah Dunant), and travel writers/memoirists (John Ruskin, Mary McCarthy, David Leavitt). After reading and discussing their work, assignments in the form of short stories, poetry, and non-fiction will focus on finding an individual voice, developing ideas, and refining them through drafting and revision. Emphasis will also be placed on the students' ability to evaluate and critique their own work and that of their peers. Visits within the local community will be an important part of the course. Prerequisites: At least one college writing course or equivalent.
LACWWR101 Fundamentals of Writing
3 semester credits. This course provides students with the writing skills necessary to produce various genres of writing, including: academic essays, literary analyses, and reflection journals. Students will reinforce critical thinking and cultural competence through the assessment of different texts and they will rely on peer review as a means to enhance their ability to integrate and deliver constructive feedback. The entire writing process will be explored systematically, and students will have the opportunity to bridge theory and practice by working on a variety of writing projects aimed at strengthening their ideas and voices.