3 semester credits. This course focuses on the creation of projects in advertising campaigns from the initial research and creative strategy to the final execution of a comprehensive commercial project. Students will learn the principles of art direction and layout as well as the marketing aspects of an advertising campaign, working with a copywriter, learning techniques for idea visualization, and structuring the campaign to the requirements of the client. Prerequisites: Visual Communication Design Fundamentals Studio I, Introduction to Digital Graphic Illustration, or equivalent.
Visual Communication
DIVCAD330 Art Direction
DIVCAD335 Art Direction: Digital Media and Visual Art
3 semester credits. This course features the topic of how art direction is practiced and applied in the area of special events. Through the tools of digital media and visual art, students are guided through the development of targeted art direction campaigns aimed at the promotion and communication of themed, interdisciplinary events. In addition to the principles of art direction, layout, using visual language for promotional purposes, collaborating with marketing and copywriting teams, and meeting client objectives, the course also focuses on the role of art direction in shaping the visual and aesthetic guidelines of event media materials and media coverage. This course includes experiential learning activities. Prerequisites: Visual Communication Design Fundamentals Studio I, Introduction to Digital Graphic Illustration, or equivalent.
DIVCAD615 Art Direction and Media Management
3 semester credits. The aim of this course is to develop competency in the development and management of conceptual work in the creative sectors. Course topics examine how visual media and art production is curated through visual communication design, interactive web experiences and digital interfaces, promotion and marketing initiatives, and audience-oriented communication strategy. Students learn and apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills through a creative lens in the art direction and management of campaigns, projects, and initiatives. Prerequisites: Successful completion of an undergraduate degree is required for this course.
DIVCAW300 Advanced Web Design
3 semester credits. Designed for students who have a solid background in XHTML and CSS, this course continues web design topics for client-side programming, server-side programming, and data access required for e-commerce web sites. Students are introduced to JavaScript to make websites dynamic and client-oriented. After a brief introduction of XML, a review of basic database concepts, and SQL, server-side scripting is discussed in general terms to let students understand what is required to collect information from html forms. A basic ASP application is built as a demonstration. Students gain a basic understanding of what is involved in building and maintaining a database-driven, e-commerce website. The course includes a brief look at SVG (Structured Vector Graphics) and Flash. The course focuses on the creation of a final portfolio. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: Introduction to Web Design.
DIVCCG150 Introduction to Computer Graphics
3 semester credits. This introductory course provides a foundational knowledge of basic graphic design principles, exploring essential methodology and concepts on which to build. Course topics include basic models for good and efficient design through a series of exercises, introduction to the Adobe Creative Suite, layout, space and grid system, line, shape, forms and color, and fonts and typography.
DIVCDA220 Introduction to Digital Animation
3 semester credits. This course examines the practice, theory, and history of animation through labs, lectures, readings, and project critiques. The animation production will cover computer-based stop motion as well as 2D and 3D computer animation. The course focuses on creative contents and experimentation based on in-class critique sessions. Students will work with 2D and 3D animation tools and will create several projects during the term.
DIVCDA320 Intermediate Digital Animation
3 semester credits. In this intermediate level course, students will explore the use of 3D animation and the progression into contemporary digital applications. Students will develop an animation project from an original concept to the planning of a written and visual storyboard, resulting in a finalized movie output. Students will utilize 3D computer-based applications for hands-on experience with digital keyframe animation with an emphasis on the visual aesthetics of gesture and movement. Emphasis will also involve the exploration of the visual representation of a 3D environment through the perspectives of camera angles, lighting, and surface qualities. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: Introduction to Digital Animation or equivalent.
DIVCDF190 Visual Communication Design Fundamentals Studio I
3 semester credits. This course centers on visual communication design as a human communication problem and focuses on essential aspects of the profession and of the education of designers. The visual communication designer works on the interpretation, organization, and visual presentation of messages. Sensitivity toward form should go hand in hand with sensitivity toward content. Visual designers concentrate their work on the effectiveness, appropriateness, beauty, and budget of the messages. Through a series of tasks and exercises, the ubiquitous presence of visual communication principles will let the student see the many aspects of shape, color, space, typography and movement more compellingly as manifestations of one coherent medium. Topics include the study of space, color, frame, layout theory through the principles of Gestalt Psychology and other fundamentals concepts. The course will focus primarily on the basic computer programs for visual communication from the Adobe Suite. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, or other similar software is highly recommended.
DIVCDF250 Visual Communication Design Fundamentals Studio II
3 semester credits. The aim of this course is to provide the students with a strong base for designing effective visual communications that are able to inform and motivate the viewer. The main purpose of this course is for students to develop a research and experimentation approach in order to understand the diverse aspects of visual design. Through a series of exercises, students will be able to master basic design principles, conceptual problem-solving methods, and critical thinking skills. This will allow them to evaluate the effectiveness of their work. Topics also include content in typography, layout, logo design, and poster design. This course includes Fab Lab studio hours and experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: Visual Communication Design Fundamentals I or equivalent. Basic knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite required.
DIVCDF300 Visual Communication Design Fundamentals Studio III
3 semester credits. This course is designed to further develop visual communication skills at the advanced level. Through a series of assignments, students will further challenge visual design through different media, and attains a high level of complex problem-solving using a variety of design methodologies. Emphasis will be placed on design practices that are shaped by an understanding of the cultural and social aspects of communication, along with an appreciation of the power of images and words. Topics include campaign design and layout, advertising. Guest speakers and site visits have an important role in this course. This course includes Fab Lab studio hours and experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: Visual Communication Design Fundamentals II or equivalent Intermediate-level knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite required.
DIVCED630 Editorial Design Strategies
3 semester credits. This course provides an in-depth exploration of advanced editorial design applications to published formats. Design research and conceptualization, development, creation, layout, and publishing strategies will be investigated for producing and editing specialized publications ranging from books to brochures, catalogs, newspapers, magazines, journals, and other editorial categories. Course topics will involve students in a multimodal approach to design for publishing across platforms and media according to the changing landscape of editorial design in digitalized and global contexts. Storytelling, communication efficacy, and reader engagement will also be examined as key components of design strategy. Prerequisites: Successful completion of an undergraduate degree is required for this course.
DIVCGI210 Digital Graphic Illustration
3 semester credits. The course explores illustration as an instrument of communication (i.e. advertising) and narration (i.e. comic books). It aims at improving drawing and design skills by teaching image making with an emphasis on edge, shape, color and value. Students will learn how to apply composition and design, color, and conceptualization to a wide range of materials and techniques. Students will use illustration software to enhance traditional work and acquire important knowledge in the digital domain. Idea development within real-world parameters, originality, aesthetics, and technical proficiency are emphasized. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator highly recommended
DIVCID650 Information Design and Visualization
3 semester credits. This course examines data visualization as the bridge between visual design and data science. Students will investigate how data and information can be effectively presented through comprehensible, visually effective, and engaging representations accessible to diverse audiences. Areas of focus include data handling for information design, conceptualizing and developing design solutions for data visualization, and presentation/delivery strategies for data-based projects. Elements of graphic design concepts such as color theory, typography, hierarchy, and grids will be re-investigated and strategized for increased effectiveness from a data perspective.
DIVCMM340 Multimedia Studio I
3 semester credits. This is a studio course that focuses on the experience of producing complete, multimedia works in a project-based environment. Lectures and meetings enhance the knowledge gained through this studio course. Individual creativity is emphasized as well as creative collaboration through individual and group projects. Assignments vary in scale, and focus on appropriate planning, design and execution, as well as acquisition and creation of diverse media content. Previously introduced design and illustration concepts are reviewed with an emphasis on their integration and effective communication in multimedia works. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: Knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite required.
DIVCMM375 Multimedia Studio II
3 semester credits. Multimedia Studio focuses on the experience of producing complete contemporary artistic multimedia works in a project-based environment. Through a variety of media-related hardware and software, hands-on learning and practice students acquire the necessary skills for their advanced projects. An integral part of this course focuses on video mapping and provides students with practical exercises and selected reading that enhance the acquisition of theoretical concepts relevant to all digital arts and to video mapping in particular. This course includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: Multimedia Studio I or equivalent.
DIVCMM380 Multimedia Studio II Experiential Learning
6 semester credits. Multimedia Studio focuses on the experience of producing complete contemporary artistic multimedia works in a project-based environment. Through a variety of media-related hardware and software, hands-on learning and practice students acquire the necessary skills for their advanced projects. An integral part of this course focuses on video mapping and provides students with practical exercises and selected reading that enhance the acquisition of theoretical concepts relevant to all digital arts and to video mapping in particular. This course includes experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. In addition to regular lecture hours, students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Prerequisites: Multimedia Studio I or equivalent.
DIVCUX620 User Experience and Interaction Design
3 semester credits. This course examines data visualization as the bridge between visual design and data science. Students will investigate how data and information can be effectively presented through comprehensible, visually effective, and engaging representations accessible to diverse audiences. Areas of focus include data handling for information design, conceptualizing and developing design solutions for data visualization, and presentation/delivery strategies for data-based projects. Elements of graphic design concepts such as color theory, typography, hierarchy, and grids will be re-investigated and strategized for increased effectiveness from a data perspective.
DIVCWD200 Introduction to Web Design
3 semester credits. This course trains students in the comprehension and development of effective graphic web design interfaces. Focus is attributed to the importance of human interaction, as well as visual properties, layout, and wayfinding to ensure the quality of a web page or site. The theoretical part of the course seeks to expound upon the significance of web design as a discipline, together with its main sociological implications. The course, however, places its main emphasis on the practical aspects relating to the topic/field, allowing students to acquire the skills necessary for the creation of basic, functional, and aesthetically pleasing websites.