3 semester credits. Through this advanced course, students apply previously acquired skills to the final editing of a video. Video effects, audio, and digital effects and their aesthetic and technical considerations are put into practice throughout the completion of the video project. The course objective is to connect the different production stages in order provide students with a comprehensive experience of the expressive power of the medium. Students will use advanced video software in order to be familiarized with industry trends and practices, and use DSLR cameras to shoot HD video. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: Introduction to Creative Videomaking or equivalent.
Video Production
DIVPAV350 Advanced Videomaking and Post-Production
DIVPCV200 Introduction to Creative Videomaking
3 semester credits. This introductory course provides students with a foundational knowledge of creative video production and its technical aspects. Students will learn basic video shooting and editing techniques. As a part of the coursework, students will work in groups on video projects in order to experience the various phases of video production from scripting to editing and final output. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of Adobe Premiere is highly recommended.
DIVPCV205 Introduction to Creative Videomaking Experiential Learning
6 semester credits. This introductory course provides students with a foundational knowledge of creative video production and its technical aspects. Students will learn basic video shooting and editing techniques. As a part of the coursework, students will work in groups on video projects in order to experience the various phases of video production from scripting to editing and final output. This course includes experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. In addition to regular lecture hours, students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of Adobe Premiere is highly recommended.
DIVPVE380 Digital Video Editing
3 semester credits. In this course students learn the art and craft of editing videos. The course explores narration strategies, editing techniques, and production approaches that can be applied in a range of non-linear editing programs. The main focus is not just on developing software skills but on exploring the magic behind video modification. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisite: Introduction to Creative Videomaking.
DIVPVS365 Digital Video and Sound Production
3 semester credits. This course focuses on the skills and techniques related to digital video and sound production. Students learn the basics of multi-camera live shooting as well as proper practices for directing both live webcasts and on-demand video productions. An emphasis on editing video shooting for on-demand viewing and for DVD authoring will be included. Students will be introduced high-tech video and sound editing software for practical exercises in class.