3 semester credits. This course provides a general introduction to the study of human anatomy and physiology. The course is designed for non-biology majors who want to learn the basics of anatomy. General properties of living organisms are considered while human structures and functions are emphasized. The class will study the creation of the human body, from cells to tissues, organs to organ systems, and finally the organism, along with the chemical and physical principles behind its operation, and the principal systems and their physiological processes will be discussed. In addition, students are given a historical overview of anatomical studies from the work of Galen in antiquity to the anatomical investigations of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Vesalius during the Renaissance. New and noninvasive technologies, such as MRI, that uncover parts of the human anatomy never seen before, will be introduced.
SMBOAP200 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
SMBOAP201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
1 semester credit. Lab component of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, please see course description. Lab hours are designed to provide direct technical and technological applications of lecture material. Prerequisites: See Human Anatomy and Physiology I. Lab open only to students enrolled in this course.
SMBOAP220 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
3 semester credits. Taking advantage of the knowledge gained about the structure of human body and its organs, this course will look further in detail to the mechanisms the human body carries out for maintaining homeostasis and stay alive and functioning. The interactions between various systems of the body and the way these interactions occur will be investigated. Cell structure, function and metabolism, signal transduction and a deeper investigation of the systems described in the previous course will be topics of this course as well. Case studies related to the course content regarding health problems will be discussed. Prerequisites: Human Anatomy and Physiology I or equivalent.
SMBOAP221 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
1 semester credit. Lab component of Human Anatomy and Physiology II, please see course description. Lab hours are designed to provide direct technical and technological applications of lecture material. Prerequisites: See Human Anatomy and Physiology II. Lab open only to students enrolled in this course.