Experiential Learning

PSELHS300S Introduction to Health and Safety

1 semester credit. This seminar aims to raise awareness of key health and safety issues in academic facilities and laboratories. The course meets the requirements for induction training for all students, promoting risk awareness and risk prevention as an integral part of education. A practical approach to training will be used in order to encourage students to actively participate both on their own and in small groups.

PSSPBP350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Book Publishing

3 semester credits. This special project course is designed as a full immersion in the world of publishing through collaboration with Ingorda for Florence Campus Publishing, the FUA university press. Students will work on publications throughout the special project experience. All areas of book publishing will be covered, from concept creation to research, writing, photography, graphic layout and design, production, and marketing and distribution. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. The placement may require weekend hours or ongoing research-based and editorial production activities for remote placements. 
This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. 
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Market and concept research, editorial development, visual and promotional strategies, product review and revision, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Portfolio of previous work, layout software experience.

PSSPBP470 Special Project: Experiential Learning in the Baking and Pastry Industry

3 semester credits. Through this special project course, students are involved in back and front of the house operations at Fedora, the school pastry shop and bistro. The projects are designed to offer future pastry chefs an insight on the production of pastries, baked goods, and desserts. Projects are focused on traditional and contemporary baking and pastry techniques, regional cakes and tarts, desserts and breads for special occasions, knife and piping skills, and mixing methods. Students will learn how to adjust recipes to produce large volumes desserts as well as specialty items. Students will also gain confidence with front of the house procedures in order to complete a comprehensive vision and understanding of the activities, functions, and organization of a baking and pastry shop for future entrepreneurial activities. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require early AM shifts, PM shifts, and shifts that take place on weekends and holidays, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements. 
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Market/industry research, customer feedback analysis, ingredient research, study of sustainable food production process, recipe analysis, provide lab management options and analyze the different impact on service, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Chef uniform (hat, jacket, pants, hard-toe safety shoes, apron) required. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Open to culinary arts and baking & pastry majors or students who have taken previous coursework in the above fields. HAACP food safety and sanitation certification. Not applicable to remote option.

PSSPDF350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Digital Fabrication

3 semester credits. This is a special project course with a focus on digital fabrication techniques and processes. Students will be involved in 2D and 3D printing projects produced through the use of design software, prototyping, and machine operations in a Fab Lab setting. Projects will reflect varying technologies, design approaches, and product categories. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts or shifts that take place on weekends, or ongoing research and design-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management.
 Main tasks: Visual and materials research, design processes for 2 and 3D printing projects, analysis of fabrication products, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option.
 Remote option students will need their own access to Adobe software. Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Portfolio of previous work, intermediate knowledge Adobe Illustrator or CAD.

PSSPDP350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Digital Photography

3 semester credits. This is a special project course intended for students who wish to develop skills and experiment with photography. Students create digital works individually and in collaboration with photographers, which are then edited and processed. Students must be prepared for diverse types of photographic approaches depending on projects and assignments, as well as develop management skills for archiving and publishing. Composite printing and experimentation with different techniques may be employed. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts or shifts that take place on weekends, or ongoing photoshoot and research activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
 Main tasks: Photo assignments, conceptual and theme research, location scouting research, digital photo archiving management, image post-production, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. A DSLR camera and a lens with a focal length of 55mm or wider is required for this course. A digital 35mm viewfinder camera (20+ megapixels minimum) is also acceptable. Remote option students will need their own access to Adobe software. 
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Portfolio of previous work, DSLR knowledge, Adobe photo software experience.

PSSPEL350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in International Education - English as a Second Language

3 semester credits. This special project course aims to offer students an opportunity to develop ESL teaching skills in an international professional environment. ESL is a program that educates students who are not native English speakers. ESL covers a wide range of student needs and abilities, from classes for students with limited English skills to those who have a higher level of language knowledge. The course placement is geared towards students who are keen to develop and enhance their teaching practice experience in order to stand out as an English language professional in the rapidly-growing field of teaching English. Students will have the opportunity to plan and deliver interactive English lessons and activities. The student’s role as a Native-English Speaking Tutor will be to encourage an immersive and inspiring English language environment for individuals, complimenting their level of language knowledge as well as their professional resume. Coursework will encourage students to develop classroom management skills and lesson structuring and will train them to teach different types of learners, different levels, and different class types, from beginner to high intermediate. Topics include but are not limited to lesson planning, tutoring, language assessment, textbook selection, and can also include research duties. Students are encouraged to use creative approaches and modern teaching techniques to involve students in their lessons. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Curriculum review, lesson planning, analysis and observations of teaching activities, supporting faculty in co-delivery, coursework assessment, language teaching methodology research, final portfolio Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire. Prerequisites: English Major. Students must submit a cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area. Students will also be required to interview for placement.

PSSPEN350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Entrepreneurship

3 semester credits. This placement offers students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of business ventures and entrepreneurship through a set of activities within the Pomario creative learning lab as well as local community affiliations. This CEMI affiliated with FUA-AUF’s International School of Business (ISB) is dedicated to business and entrepreneurial operations with a specific aim of fostering new ideas and inventions for startup companies. Responsibilities range from research on business opportunities to the development of strategies for other community engagement systems at FUA-AUF. Students will assist the ISB division with researching and selecting startup companies within the local territory for institutional collaboration. Furthermore, they will develop entrepreneurial and innovative strategies to increase awareness of non-profit cultural activities. Collaboration with startup ventures and Italian entrepreneurs will be an integral part   of the placement. Students will provide data collection, qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as specific planning development shared between ISB and the local industrial association of the province of Florence Confindustria ( Special projects are assigned depending on the area of skills and interest. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts or shifts that take place on weekends, or research activities for remote placements. This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting. Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to   student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on   theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Startup and business venture research, evaluation of business opportunities, selection of startup companies within the local territory for institutional collaboration, market analysis and consumer trend update, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire, business attire for formal meetings and external site visits. Not applicable to remote option.

PSSPFL350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in International Education - Field Learning Assistant

3 semester credits. Through this special project, students will assist the Educational Field Learning department. Typical tasks may include developing field trip itineraries and participant lists, assisting with hotel and tour reservations, and manage trip reminders and pre-departure information. Students will also assist with promotional activities through social media updates and digital communication strategies. Participation in field trips as assistants to tour leaders will directly involve students in department activities or pre and post-departure participant interaction for the remote placement option. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement will require shifts that take place on weekends or ongoing research and development-based projects for remote placements. 
This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting. 
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
Main tasks: Location research, itinerary development and review, logistical support for FL supervisors, itinerary and logistics performance analysis, participation satisfaction analysis, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPFP350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in the Fashion Industry - Fashion and Accessory Design

3 semester credits. This placement allows the student to interact with the local fashion economy through FLY Fashion Loves You, the retail store operated by the students and faculty members of FAST. FLY features creations of emerging designers, high-quality vintage and consignment clothing and accessories, as well as unique handcrafted pieces made by FAST students. This special project involves proposing, designing, and producing high-quality garments and accessories for FLY, whose merchandise sales generate scholarships for future fashion students. Duties include but are not limited to merchandise analysis for brainstorming and design proposals in the laboratory spaces of FAST, the academic department that houses FLY. Garments produced will permanently remain at FLY for placement in window displays, photoshoots and other special installations throughout the seasons. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require shifts that take place on weekends, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements. This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Merchandise analysis, design proposals, sketching and rendering creations, product prototyping, cost and mark up management, emerging designers research and analysis, participation in promotional events, final portfolio.
 Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, portfolio of previous work, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPFR350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in the Fashion Industry - Fashion Retail Management

3 semester credits. This special project allows the student to interact with the local fashion economy through FLY Fashion Loves You, the retail store operated by the students and faculty members of FAST. FLY features creations of emerging designers, high-quality vintage and consignment clothing and accessories, as well as unique handcrafted pieces made by FAST students. The fashion retail management special project involves store organization, business procedures and client relations. Under the guidance of the CEMI management, students will have the chance to be immersed in the fashion retail industry through duties that include but are not limited to sales, stock, store management, customer service, promotion, and research. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require shifts that take place on weekends, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements. 
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Store merchandising, window display operations, props selection and organization, emerging designers research, client relations, FLY social media content production, customer care analysis, experiential marketing campaign, organization of promotional events, final portfolio.
Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option. 
Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPFY350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Fashion Photography

3 semester credits. This is a special project course intended for students who wish to deepen their skills in the area of fashion photography. Students create individual and collaborative digital projects, which are then edited and processed. Fashion-themed approaches may include elements such as ad campaigns, look books, design sets and studio photography, and interaction with fashion-based clients and collaborators associated with FLY Fashion Loves You, the creative learning lab and retail store of FAST, the fashion and accessories studies and technology division of FUA-AUF. Students must be prepared for diverse types of photographic approaches depending on projects and assignments, as well as develop management skills for archiving and publishing. This placement may require PM shifts, shifts that take place on weekends, or ongoing research-based and production/editing activities for remote placements. 
This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
 Main tasks: Photo assignments, conceptual and theme research, location scouting research, digital photo archiving management, image post-production, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code, not applicable to remote option. A DSLR camera and a lens with a focal length of 55mm or wider is required for this course. A digital 35mm viewfinder camera (20+ megapixels minimum) is also acceptable. Remote option students will need their own access to Adobe software. 
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Portfolio of previous work, DSLR knowledge, Adobe photo software experience.

PSSPGA350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Fine Arts - Gallery Assistant

3 semester credits. The objectives of this special project are based on creating an opportunity for the student to observe and participate in the coordinating and curating activities of art, design, and photography exhibitions in a gallery setting. Students will be exposed to various tasks including daily operations, exhibitions, catalog creation, show installation, and interaction with local and international artists. The student will also assist the on-site curator with promotional tasks ranging from press releases to social networking. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts, shifts that take place on weekends, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements. 
This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
 Main tasks: Artist research and scouting, exhibition installation development, catalog creation, artist relations, event curation, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPGD350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Visual Communication - Graphic Design

3 semester credits. This special project course focuses on the area of graphic design in visual communication. Students will interact with figures such as graphic designers as well as art directors for creative projects. Topics may include logo design, corporate identity and branding, advertising, design in journalism, product packaging, book design, web design, etc. The use of design software is required. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. The placement may require weekend hours or ongoing research-based and design activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
Main tasks: Visual research, image post-production, digital illustration and layout projects, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code (not applicable to remote option). Remote option students will need their own access to Adobe software. Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Portfolio of previous work, layout and illustration software experience.

PSSPGR350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in the Local Community

3 semester credits. This special project allows students to interact with the local community in Florence through experiential learning in collaboration with the Community Engagement Member Institutions affiliated with FUA-AUF. These community projects are directly linked to the academic divisions of FUA-AUF and open to the general public in order to share academic results with the greater community. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. The placement may require weekend hours or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting. 
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPGR550 Special Project: Graduate Experiential Learning

3 semester credits. This special project allows graduate students to interact with the local community in Florence through experiential learning in collaboration with the Community Engagement Member Institutions affiliated with FUA. These community projects are directly linked to the academic divisions of FUA-AUF and open to the general public in order to share academic results with the greater community. Graduate students are involved in an advanced-level experience that requires the development of skills and competency related to leadership and organizational vision. Participants are expected to become familiar with the administration and operations of FUA community projects, perform responsibilities according to the project mission, be aware of how current issues encountered are related to the related field/industry, and demonstrate how special project coursework and activities can be applied to academic research. Duties may involve the supervision, monitoring, and assessment of undergraduate-level students. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. The placement may require weekend hours or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting. 
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
Prerequisites: Open to individuals who have completed an undergraduate degree or are currently enrolled in a graduate-level program. Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPHM350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Hospitality - Spa Management

3 semester credits. The aim of this placement is to expose students to the principles of spa management with an emphasis on spa operations. Students will gain first-hand experience through analytical observation and project management of the on-campus spa, Sorgiva, a full-service spa, health, and wellness facility. Students will develop the managerial skills necessary to act as a spa manager, and will be familiarized with planning and organizing all the relevant activities and operations of the wellness center. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM and weekend shifts, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements. 
This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management.
 Main tasks: Market/industry research, operational analysis, client relations, performance analysis of services and treatments, wellness program development, strategic planning, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPHO350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in the Hospitality Industry

3 semester credits. Through this special project course, students are involved in front of the house hospitality operations and projects related to Ganzo and Fedora, the creative learning labs and dining establishments of Apicius that are open to the local community. Under the guidance of the CEMI management, students will gain firsthand experiences involving customer relations and satisfaction, service, food and beverage operations, collaborative and interpersonal communication between FOH and BOH, and above all practice hospitality skills in an international context. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM and weekend/holiday shifts, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements. 
This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
 Main tasks: Industry research and market trends analysis, operational involvement and analysis, client relations, performance analysis of services, consumer trend observations and projections, strategic planning for hospitality businesses, final portfolio. Additional Materials/Dress code: Dress code: Black trousers and clean safety (closed) shoes required. A t-shirt and apron will be provided for a refundable deposit fee. Not applicable to remote option. Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPHO360 Special Project: Experiential Learning in the Hospitality and International Tourism Industry

3 semester credits. In order to offer a comprehensive view of hospitality and international tourism, experiential learning activities are scheduled in varying types of environments, each of them characterized by different dynamics, clients and style of service required. Through this special project course, students are involved in hospitality strategic planning and operations with creative learning labs including Ganzo (restaurant), Fedora (pastry shop), Dimora (guest apartments), and Sorgiva (spa). Additionally, students are involved in logistical and hospitality operations with Educational Field Learning or Special Events. 
Under the guidance of the faculty and staff management, students will gain firsthand practice of customer relations and satisfaction, service, collaborative and interpersonal communication, food and beverage operations, and above all practice hospitality skills in an international context with a diverse range of clients. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts or shifts that take place on weekends/holidays, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
 Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Hospitality Industry research and market trends analysis, best practices for hospitality businesses in an international context, customer care standards and practices, consumer trend observations and projections, strategic planning for the hospitality industry at the international level, final portfolio.
 Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire. Some CEMI require uniforms. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPIC350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in ICT Operations

3 semester credits. This placement grants students an opportunity to understand institutional ICT management. Students will acquire and practice skills related to the IT field under the leadership and supervision of the institutional CIO and ICT staff. Students will also have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the activities, functions, and organization of the department and, under the supervision staff, students will perform maintenance and assistance routines as well as - depending on students' profile - suggest new procedures to facilitate users' (students, teachers, staff) work and to improve school services. Tasks may include but are not limited to computers deployment (installation and user delivery), user assistance for hardware and software, network installation and maintenance, video and audio installation and maintenance (TV sets, projectors, amplifier, Apple TV), and deployment of new procedures from the test environment to production. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management.
 Main tasks: Monitoring of ICT operations, user assistance, installation and maintenance tasks, user-based improvement research, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option.
Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Basic knowledge of the latest Apple operating system, Linux (Darwin, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian), latest Windows software, standard office editors (OpenOffice, Pages, Keynote, Numbers), TCP/IP networking, virtualization (VMWare environment).

PSSPJO350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Journalism

3 semester credits. This special project course is offered to highly motivated students who want to enter and practice firsthand the world of magazine editing and proofreading. The student will be in charge, under the supervision of professionals, develop feature writing through the steps of checking for accuracy and suitability, digital and traditional printing, and design. Knowledge and experience in magazine and newspaper production is always extremely helpful for higher editorial positions. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. The placement may require weekend hours or ongoing research-based and editorial production activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Editorial research, editorial development, content review and revision, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPLS350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in International Education - Library Sciences

3 semester credits. This special project is an excellent opportunity for the student to understand institutional library systems. Working under the supervision of the library staff, students will perform circulation maintenance routines such as check-in/check-out and book processing and deadlines, shelving, and usage statistics. Additional duties include but are not limited to administrative and technical tasks. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management.
 Main tasks: Cataloging maintenance, collections research, user analysis, development of library initiatives for academic community, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPLT350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in International Education - Ludoteca Tutor (Junior Level)

3 semester credits. Learning Italian is not a one-off event; it requires commitment and dedication. If the experience is interactive, learners will stay curious and the learning process will be more effective. Within sQuola, the School of Italian Studies and Linguistics, FUA-AUF recognizes and aims to promote the lifelong pedagogical, educational and socio-cultural role of play for individuals and for society. Therefore, FUA-AUF has developed an ad-hoc “toy library” project, designed to promote playtime culture and learning through play. Ludoteca is a place for amusement, socialization, integration and education that puts play at the center of all its activities and projects. Ludoteca contributes to the development of the individual and provides students with a dedicated space, materials to play with and expertise that, when combined, create an opportunity to engage freely in playtime activities and support learning. 
Ludoteca is a project managed by Italian Language Tutors, supervised by the sQuola coordinator. The Tutor is the person of reference for the students involved in Ludoteca activities, and who is in charge of the daily management and the organization of games and activities held in the facility. Moreover, Tutors prepare and manage all the Ludoteca activities.
The position of Junior Tutor is open to students who are interested in and have a passion for the Italian language and culture, and have already completed Italian Language Intermediate II or III, or an equivalent level. Junior Tutors will assist sQuola’’s Tutors in Ludoteca activities. They should be prepared to start their experiential learning at an entry level to gradually be assigned more challenging tasks.
By participating in this project, students will reinforce their Italian language skills through play while helping Beginner level students to increase their own learning. At Ludoteca, Junior Tutors are invested with both the responsibility to guide lower level students towards a better comprehension of the language, and the opportunity to strengthen their own language and leadership skills. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require activities that take place on weekends, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements. 
This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks (all the activities are held in Italian): Activity supervision, guiding students in Italian conversations, creative activity development, activity preparation, student feedback reviews for faculty and department, final portfolio.
 Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire. Not applicable to remote option. 
Prerequisites: Italian Language Intermediate II or III, or an equivalent level. Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPPR350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Public Relations

3 semester credits. Through the public relations placement, students will learn how to promote an organization's business and image. Public relations activities will focus on managing an organization's key messages through content management. Communication strategies, including those related to special events, will be a major emphasis in public relations-related projects. Students will be guided throughout their involvement in PR operations and measuring PR results. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts, shifts that take place on weekends, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management.
 Main tasks: Corporate communication projects, community-based outreach proposals, market research, client and audience analysis, brief and press release creation, engagement measuring, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Participation in on-site PR operations at events require: Black or navy blue outwear (blazer and pants/skirt, no miniskirts), dress shirts or tops in the above colors or white (necklines that are not revealing), no t-shirts, tennis shoes, or sneakers. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPRA350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in International Education - Resident Assistant

3 semester credits. This special project course coordinated by the Student Life and Development Office offers students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of the study abroad experience from the perspective of the hosting country and specifically student life and services. The FUA-AUF Pre-College program is designed to mirror the FUA-AUF undergraduate experience for students who are generally 16 to 18 years of age. Pre-college students choose from a variety of college-level courses and have numerous opportunities to engage in the community, explore campus life, and learn from a diverse group of peers in an independent but structured environment. Students are supervised by the SLD staff and Resident Assistants. Students enrolled in this special project placement will learn first-hand how Resident Assistants are an integral part of the Summer pre-college program, as they ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants as well as the success of program activities. Moreover, students will experience how RA responsibilities highlight the important role of residential life at FUA-AUF. The RA has extensive contact with pre-college students and serves as a liaison and resource; special project students will promote the integration of all aspects of campus life and assist with cultivating a positive environment that supports the University’s educational objectives. Students will assist with planning, organizing and promoting activities, observe and assist with program-related administrative and clerical duties, and respond appropriately to program troubleshooting and student issues through assessment, referral to experienced professionals, and appropriate follow-up. The overall duration covers three 3-week sessions: In the first session, students will undergo training supervised by the SLD staff and gain exposure to the activities and procedures that will be implemented during the second session when the pre-college program is active. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement also requires PM and weekend shifts. This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Training will take place during Session II for three weeks followed by three weeks of full time RA duties during Session III. Additional materials/Dress code: Casual attire. Main tasks: Program planning and organization, coordination and supervision of activities, provide logistical support to program admin staff, student counseling and troubleshooting, final portfolio. Prerequisites: RA application, cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPRE350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Hospitality - Real Estate and Property Management

3 semester credits. The aim of this placement is to expose students to the principles of real estate management with an emphasis on property management. Students will be familiarized with planning and organizing all the relevant activities and operations of a real estate business related to the on-campus guest apartments facility, Dimora. This experiential learning program focuses projects and research based on on front desk operations including reservation management, welcoming guests and basics of customer care. Students will learn how to independently run a hospitality business including property maintenance and quality control management. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts on-campus or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
 The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management.
 Main tasks: Market/industry research, operational analysis, client relations, maintenance problem-solving, strategic planning, promotional activities, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option. 
Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPRM350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Restaurant Management

3 semester credits. This placement will focus on the basic understanding of restaurant management, including service management and customer relations, menu planning, and wine list development under the supervision of restaurant managers and wine experts. Students will observe and analyze the main operational areas of the restaurant such as food safety and sanitation, guest services, operational responsibilities, and staff communication. Students will assist the manager in planning and setting service standards and creating a platform for all restaurant operations in accordance with restaurant needs. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts or shifts that take place on weekends/holidays, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements. 
This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Food and beverage Industry research and market trends analysis, operational involvement and analysis, customer care standards and practices, performance analysis of restaurant services, consumer trend observations and projections, strategic planning for the food and beverage industry, final portfolio.
 Additional Materials/Dress code: Black trousers and clean safety (closed) shoes required. A t-shirt and apron will be provided for a refundable deposit fee. Not applicable to remote option.
 Prerequisites: Resume indicating at least one previous restaurant experience. Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPSA350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in International Education - Study Abroad Assistant

3 semester credits. This special project course through the Student Life and Development Office offers students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of the study abroad experience from the perspective of the hosting country. The SLD office is the main point of reference for all incoming students. Responsibilities range from assisting with planning, organizing and promoting activities, contributing articles to the school publications, and general office duties. Students are expected to effectively collect and share information to students and the academic community. Students assist with the preparation of all orientation materials for future sessions and students. Furthermore, they will learn to handle sensitive issues related to culture shock and adjusting to studying/living abroad as well as leading facility tours for institutional visitors and potential students. Special projects are assigned depending on the area of interest. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts, shifts that take place on weekends, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire. Not applicable to remote option. Main tasks: Planning and developing student outreach initiatives, content creation for communication, student experience research, assisting staff logistics, final portfolio. 
Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPSE350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Hospitality - Special Event Management

3 semester credits. The aim of this special project course is to expose students to the principles of event planning with an emphasis on the development and integration of operational strategies. The aforementioned strategies will be employed from the perspective of hospitality management and the application of program techniques in special event management. Topics will include booking, event planning, logistics and coordination, themes, program partnerships, and event review. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts or shifts that take place on weekends/holidays, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Special events Industry research and market trends analysis, event practices development and management, logistics analysis and planning, customer care standards and practices, consumer trend observations and projections, strategic planning for the event industry, final portfolio.
 Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. All black attire required for some events. Not applicable to remote option. 
Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPSM350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Sport Management

3 semester credits. Through this special project course, students will learn from the organization and operation of a sport facility such as a fitness center. The student will learn by assisting with daily operations: checking access records, machine maintenance standards, organization and management of fitness activities. Students will collaborate with a sports director to organize gym classes, review fitness instructor candidacies, and collaborate with a communications team for the production of promotional materials. Throughout the course, the student will also research relevant sports-related activities in the city of Florence in order to enhance the student's connection with the hosting culture and environment. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. The placement may require weekend hours or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Sport Industry research and market trends analysis, sport and fitness practices development and management, operational involvement and analysis, customer care standards and practices, consumer trend observations and projections, strategic planning for the sports industry, final portfolio.
 Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Sports gear required for some placement activities and tasks. Not applicable to remote option. 
Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.

PSSPVP350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Visual Communication - Video Production

3 semester credits. This special project course is ideal for highly motivated students who are interested in creative video production. Involvement includes maintaining equipment, video shooting and editing, scouting locations, assisting the video director for logistics and production purposes, and sound editing. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts or shifts that take place on weekends or ongoing research-based and production/editing activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
Main tasks: Visual concept research, location scouting research, video production, post-production, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code, not applicable to remote option. A DSLR camera with a video function and a lens with a focal length of 55mm or wider is required for this course. Remote option students will need their own access to Adobe software. 
 Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Portfolio of previous work, video shooting skills, editing software experience.

PSSPWE350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Digital Communication

3 semester credits. Through this special project course, the student will be able to research and develop web content for professional websites. Guided by a Communications Office, the student will be involved in web-based projects to develop written and visual content for digital platforms. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. The placement may require weekend hours or ongoing research-based and editorial activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life.
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. 
Main tasks: Digital content creation and revision, visual content development, audience/reader-oriented research, SEO analysis, site performance review, final portfolio. Additional materials/Dress code: Business casual attire for dress code. Not applicable to remote option.
Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview. Portfolio of previous work, web back office experience.

PSSPWS350 Special Project: Experiential Learning in Wine Service and Beverage Management

3 semester credits. Students enrolled in the Wine Service Beverage Management special project will be acquire skills related to managing the wine and beverage service at Ganzo and Fedora, the school restaurant and pastry shop/bistro of Apicius International School of Hospitality. Under the leadership and supervision of wine service professionals, students will also have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the activities, functions, and organization of a restaurant and/or wineries. Students will also learn how to maintain weekly records of sales and wine costs. The aim of the special project is to increase knowledge of wine service, presentation methods, restaurant procedures, wine expertise, and pairing in the hospitality industry. EL hours may be distributed from Monday through Friday. This placement may require PM shifts or shifts that take place on weekends/holidays, or ongoing research-based activities for remote placements.
 This special project course features experiential learning hours with our Community Engagement Member Institutions (CEMI). CEMI are dynamic learning environments created to foster learning through a structured interaction with the community. Remote option students will gain international community exposure through a virtual setting.
 Students will be involved in learning by doing through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. 
The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Main tasks: Beverage industry research and market trends analysis, wine service practices, operational involvement and analysis, customer care standards and practices, consumer trend observations and projections, strategic planning for the wine industry, final portfolio.
 Additional materials/Dress code: Black trousers and clean safety (closed) shoes required. A t-shirt and apron will be provided for a refundable deposit fee. Not applicable to remote option. 
Prerequisites: Cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area, interview.