BA Degree in Digital Publishing and Communication - Digital Media


The program offers an in-depth study of visual communication and digital media theory and practices that allow students to develop and experiment with knowledge and skills in a highly innovative context. . Students will engage in disciplines related to photography, videomaking, interactive digital media, graphic design, editorial design, and intercultural communication through relevant and innovative examples from Italy and abroad related to visual theory, history, and semiotics. Through the study of the disciplines and media-based projects, students will be challenged to critically examine the production and meaning of media. Coursework is supported by experiential learning methodologies that directly involve students in industry experience and the local community.
Program objectives:
- Gain knowledge of digital media and visual communication theories and practice.
- Develop a strong command of contemporary imaging and aesthetics.
- Develop and deliver creative concepts, apply visual language in multiple forms of digital media, and produce creative and compelling visual storytelling for professional contexts.
- Apply critical thinking, visual deconstruction/reconstruction, and visual problem solving for communicational needs in design systems, publication design, electronic media, typography, and 3D packaging design.
- Acquire a critically informed photographic approach, visual grammar of photography and intent, analysis and technical mastery of photographic imagery, and familiarity with studio and non – studio environment.
- Develop a successful visual message in three different dimensions, create a visually strong brand, employ concept successfully in various forms of visual communication, and conduct a concise presentation of a developed brand.
- Gain fluency in visual production for publishing formats, format and content curation of diverse products, and adapting effective communication to emerging form of content creation.
- Produce a coherent visual portfolio that accurately reflects the student’s personal development of visual and media identity and language.

- Management and curation of digital content.
- Project management.
- Production of digital content for collaborative and individual projects.
- Application of digital media theory and skills to professional projects related to photography, videomaking, books, periodicals, and multimedia.
Career opportunities:
The program prepares students to enter creative industries related to media design, photography, visual communication, and publishing through roles as as the following.
Photographer, photo editor
Digital strategist
Interactive media designer
Creative director
Brand manager
Digital artist
Visual consultant for corporate communication
Designer, editor, production manager for books and periodicals
Product designer

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to further pursue studies at the graduate level.


General Education Requirements ( 48 credits )

English Composition
Physical & Biological Science
Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • LAHSMF230 The Medici Family: A Florentine Dynasty
  • 1 course from:
    CPMCSM250 Social Media
    LAPYCS190 Culture Shock: Cross-Cultural Psychology
    FWFSIF180 Cultural Introduction to the Italian Family
    ISISIA225 The Italian-American Experience
    FWFCFC240 Food, Culture, and Society in Italy
Diversity & Intercultural Studies
Italian Language
  • 2 courses from:
    Italian Studies and Linguistics - Italian Language

Core Curriculum ( 28 credits )

Capstone Project – In the area of Program Concentration ( 3 credits )

Additional Requirements ( 0 credits )

Experiential Learning Field Hours ( 12 credits )

Concentration Course Work ( 27 credits )

Free Electives - Suggested ( 12 credits )

Total credits: 130